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sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

BICA Elevator - Lisbon - Lisboa

The Mechanical Lift Company was founded in Lisbon June 6, 1882 and two years later, now with a new name - New Mechanical Lift Company of Lisbon, the city installed a set of elevators that run up a slope. On June 28, 1892 the service began operating the Elevador da Bica, taking as point of departure Street São Paulo, through Rua de Duarte Belo, up to Largo do Calhariz. The traction system was rack and cable, water balance: Each car was equipped with a water tank which emptied when it reached the Rua de S. And filled in when it finished his course in Largo Calhariz.

On 12 October 1916, near the Largo do Calhariz when to finalize the agenda, the malfunction of brakes precipitated the lift after an uncontrolled descent, to the Station of Rua São Paulo, where it smashed. As a result of the accident remained inactive until June 27, 1927, when, already owned by Carris (Concessionaire of surface public transport in London), operating again with a new system that was in fact the engines of passing cars being driven by a motor installed in the underground station Calhariz Largo. Since February 2002 are classified as National Monument.
In 1912 it was agreed with the Lisbon Electric Tramways Limited and Carris for the joint operation of the Power Plant of Santos for the electrification of the service. The system was extended to lift the Lavra, Bica and Glória.
The frequent stopping of the service, resulting from frequent shortages of water supply, made in 1886, the Company decided to replace the drive shaft, then going to use steam engines, supplied by the firm Maschinnenfabrick of Esslingen, Germany.


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